See Our Vision

What We Do

We are dedicated to honoring the value of every human being, reminding each customer of the profound message in the words “It Is Finished”. The last words Jesus Christ spoke on the cross. Regardless of our customers background; Our utmost priority is to provide customers with the confidence that Jesus Christ has taken everything that could hold them back. 

The Dove

The Dove at the 9:00 hour symbolizes a Person who is like Jesus. His name is the Holy Spirit. He is your ultimate Helper, also known as a Divine Encourager and a powerful Leader into all truth. He’s the one to fortify you in every situation, including those involving pain and adversity. 

Fortitude -

English DefinitionCourage in pain or adversity 

Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew Lexicon Definition:

from the Hebrew word “amats”

to be strong, alert, courageous, brave, stout, bold, solid, hard
1a) – to be strong, brave, bold
1b) – to strengthen, secure (for oneself), harden (heart), make firm, make obstinate, assure
1c)  – to be determined, to make oneself alert, strengthen oneself, confirm oneself, persist in, prove superior to.

Looking To Fortify Yourself?

If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

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